Transgender Woman Accidentally Hang Herself During BDSM

A transgender woman has accidentally hung herself while taking bondage photos in her bedroom, an inquest has heard.
Zoe O'Brien tragically died while she was taking photos of herself in her Brighton bedroom

Zoe O'Brien, 39, was discovered dead hanging from the ceiling at her home in Brighton on June 7, the city's coroners court heard.

A remote controlled camera & bondage equipment found in her room led police to believe she was taking photographs at the time of her death.

Equipment for so-called BDSM sessions was seen in the room, suggesting Ms O'Brien was photographing her 'erotic asphyxiation'.
BDSM equipment was found with her, suggesting she was photographing 'erotic asphyxiation'

'I suspect she killed herself accidentally while taking photographs.

Assistant coroner for Brighton & Hove Catharine Palmer gave a verdict of accident after ruling Miss O'Brien did not intend to cause her own death.
Neighbours used a spare key to enter the house in this street in the city after Ms O'Brien's landlord reported not seeing her

In July this year, doctors issued a warning to people considering taking part in BDSM sessions to be careful not to get injured.

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