What Color Is Your Semen? Find Out If You’re Healthy

SEME*N colour can show how healthy a man is, with some shades a probable sign of cancer, prostate troubles or changes in diet. 

Seme*n - sometimes called male ejaculate - is a combination of seminal fluid & sp*erm.

It’s ejaculated - or shot out - through the urethra, which travels through the penis, during 0rgasm.

According to the NHS, there is typically about 5ml of liquid, but there may be more, mostly if a man has not ejaculated for some time.

In a single ejaculation 100 million to 300 million sp*erm can be released.

If it reaches a female’s egg, there is fertilization & a woman becomes pregnant.

Seme*n colour can often points to the state of a man’s health.

“In healthy men it should be clear to whitish grey,” said Helen Knox, a clinical nurse specializing in sexual health.

“Sometimes it may be pale yellow if a man has not passed urine prior to having sex.”

Knox said it is imperative for men to pay attention to changes in their seme*n colour.

“If it is a different colour for more than a couple of days, they should get it checked rather than ignore it,” she warned.

This is what certain shades might mean for your health - if you are concerned you should seek out medical attention.


“If seme*n is a rusty red or pink colour this’s not ok,” said Knox.

“Any reddening of a man’s ejaculate - above all if it continues beyond a few days - should be investigated by a doctor as it indicates that blood is present.

“This may be due to inflammation caused by sexually transmitted infections, other infections & medical conditions, such as prostate problems, all of which should be ruled out.

According to the common causes of blood in the seme*n - known as haematosp*ermia - could in rare cases indicate severe high blood pressure, a blood clotting disorder or certain cancers.


As well as urine in the urethra giving it a yellow shade, this shade could point to a number of other health conditions.

These include jaundice ,normally high white blood cells or STIs.

Still, it could also be caused by eating foods that contain yellow dye, or irregular ejaculation.

“A side-effect of some medications is that some men’s ejaculate is yellow,” added Knox.


This colour may be a sign of a latent infection of the prostate or surrounding tissues.

A prostate infection is when bacteria in your urine leaks into the prostate.

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