How would you like to be dumped?
Would you prefer a drawn out explanation? Would you like the
bomb to be dropped after you have enjoyed your dinner & have a comfortably
full tum? Or are you a “just text me & get it over with” type?
It is tricky to know the best way to breakup with someone –
not just because, well, there is no nice way to tell someone you do not want to
date them, but because it is tricky to tell if we are choosing techniques for
our own comfort or the other person’s.
It is easy to be selfish with a breakup. They might need an
explanation, but you can get away with not giving one.
But if you’re a decent human being & want to make your
breakup somewhat less agonizing for the one being dumped, there is a certain
communication style you should use.
New research from Brigham Young University in Utah has discovered
that when it comes to receiving bad news, including being dumped, the bulk of
people prefer a direct approach free of bullsh!t & waffling.
The research offered 145 participants different forms of
hypothetical bad news, giving them different scenarios & 2 potential ways
they would like that news to be delivered.
For each bit of bad news deliveries, participants were asked
to rate how lucid, considerate, direct, efficient, honest, reasonable, &
specific they thought the delivery had been. They were then asked to grade how
they valued each of those characteristics.
On the whole, people valued clarity & directness over
all other characteristics.
Researchers found that if someone is delivering bad news
about a relationship, like firing someone or breaking up with them, the person
receiving the bad news would prefer directness over a load of buildup or trying
to “ease them in”.
“An immediate ‘I’m breaking up with you’ might be too
direct,” said researcher Alan
Manning . “But all you need is a
‘we need to talk’ buffer – just a couple of seconds for the other person to
process that bad news is coming.”
“If your house is on fire, you just want to know that &
get out,” says Manning . “Or if you have cancer,
you’d just like to know that. You don’t want the doctor to talk around it.”
Fair point.
While dancing around the topic or buffering the news may
help the person delivering it to feel less uncomfortable, it is no help at all
to the person receiving it.
So if you are dumping someone, cut to the chase & deal
with the fight as it happens. Do not drag it out just because you are feeling