When your alarm goes off in the morning & you feel as
though you could keep snoozing, then you are likely not getting sufficient good
quality sleep at night. If you cannot function without coffee before noon, you
are probably sleep-deprived, & if you are sleep-deprived, you are not
alone: according to the World Health Organization, we are in the midst of a
global sleep deprivation epidemic.
Not getting enough sleep won’t just make you yawn on the
Tube or wish for nap-time at your desk. According to one of the world’s leading
sleep scientists, the less you sleep, the shorter your life will be. Matthew Walker
is a professor of neuroscience & psychology at the University of California
& he has just published the definitive manifesto on sleep science, called
Why We Sleep – out this week.
Sleep deprivation (that is, sleeping 6 hours or less a night
or not getting the quality of sleep you need) is linked to Alzheimer’s disease,
anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, suicide, stroke, chronic pain, cancer,
diabetes, heart attack, infertility, weight gain, obesity & immune
deficiency. It can damage the brain, worsen mental illness, tempt serious
physical illness, weaken the immune system, rile up the nervous system, wipe
out concentration, deplete productivity, eradicate creativity, ravage the body,
& in extreme cases, kill. The significance of sleep, quite seriously,
cannot be overstated. It’s, Walker
says, more powerfully linked to our mortality than nutrition & exercise.
If you would rather look at it in positive terms, sleep is
the Swiss Army Knife of medicine. It is a miraculous cure-all that, done correctly,
makes us live longer, improves our memory, ignites our creativity, makes us
more physically attractive, lowers our food cravings, regulates our emotions,
protects us from cancer & dementia, staves off cold & flu, lowers our risk
of stroke, diabetes & heart attack, & makes us happier, less depressed &
less anxious.
So what, then, explains what Walker
calls “society’s apathy towards sleep”? Why are we all so unceasingly
under-slept, particularly when we know how vital sleep is?
“Firstly, increased work hours, I think people are working
longer to begin with,” says Walker .
“Secondly, we know that actual commute times have also increased, so people are
leaving their houses earlier, they’re coming home later, & they’re working
longer in between too, all of which starts to squeeze sleep in this sort of
vice grip & starts to pinch it down.”
Then there are our drugs of choice: “Caffeine consumption is
obviously up. Caffeine is the second most traded commodity on the surface of
the planet, would you believe, after oil, which tells you everything about the
state of our sleep-deprived society. If there was a commercial metric of how
sleep-deprived we are, it is probably that. Caffeine keeps us awake, it makes it
harder to fall asleep, we all know that, but some people might not know
caffeine also prevents you from getting good, deep sleep. So someone might say
to me, 'I’m just one of those people who can have a coffee after dinner &
I’m fine, I fall asleep & it’s no problem'. The problem is that even if you
fall asleep, the depth of your sleep won’t be as deep as if you had abstained
from coffee.”
So, giving yourself a cut-off time of midday, or at the
latest 2pm, for your last coffee of the day is sensible. As for our other most
beloved drug, alcohol, well, Walker
says we shouldn’t be drinking at all at night-time if we want to get the best
possible snooze in.
“Alcohol is probably the most misunderstood of all chemicals
we use for sleep,” he says. “People often say you can have a night cap, you
fall asleep more quickly – it’s actually incorrect because alcohol is a type of
drug that we call a sedative & unfortunately sedation is not sleep, it’s
very different & it doesn’t give you the benefits of sleep. So when people
say they fall asleep more quickly when they’ve had a bit of whiskey, they’re
losing consciousness but they’re not falling into a natural sleep. Alcohol also
fragments your sleep throughout the night so you wake up many more times &
wake the next morning feeling un-refreshed & un-restored. It blocks your
dream sleep or your REM sleep, which is vital for many aspects of brain &
body health, particularly emotional regulation & control.”
The other things keeping us awake are light, technology &
heat. Since Thomas
Edison invented the light bulb, we
have chased away the darkness that naturally tells us when to sleep. PC &
mobile phone screens also contribute to this diminishing of darkness, which we
actually need to trigger the release of the hormone melatonin, which tells the
body to sleep. That, & we are setting our air-conditioners too high. Most
people tend to go for about 20 degrees Celsius on their radiators, but that’s
actually too hot to sleep properly. Sleep requires a little cool – something
more like 18 degrees Celsius. It also requires regularity – we should be going
to bed & waking up at the same time each day no matter what – but we rebel
against this rule flagrantly.
Underscoring all these logistical factors is a dangerous
disrespect for the act of sleeping. We tend to associate sleep with
slothfulness, dismissing people who sleep eight hours or more a night as lazy,
rather than sensible, as they are. We shame teenagers for sleeping in, shun
night owls for their natural sleep cycles, tease habitual nappers & roll
our eyes at anyone who wants to get an early night. We simply do not appreciate
how important sleep is – in fact, we seem to celebrate sleep deprivation like
it’s noble or remarkable in some way. It is not. It is dangerous &
Reading Walker’s book has shocked me into prioritizing my
own sleep more. I, for one, will be trying to lock in regular bedtimes,
regulating my coffee intake, working on making my office hours sensible,
switching off my phone an hour before bed, & checking my room temperature &
my attitude. I’d suggest you do the same. Good luck, & sweet dreams.