A deaf man holding a pipe on his balcony was shot dead by
police who ordered him to get on the ground as neighbors shouted that he couldn’t
hear them.
The first officer to arrive believed the 2ft-long pipe Mr Sanchez
was holding was a weapon & called for back-up after he purportedly began
moving with it, police said.
"When the other unit arrived, verbal commands were being
given to this individual to drop the weapon & get on the ground," Captain Bo Mathews
said in a press conference.
But Mr Sanchez ,
35, continued to move towards the officers, Mr Mathews
Lieutenant Matthew Lindsey used his Taser on Mr
Sanchez when he was 15ft from him, while his back-up
Sergeant Chris Barnes
shot him “more than once”, Mr
Mathews said.
“In those situations, very volatile situations when you have
a weapon out, you can get what they call tunnel vision, or you could really
lock in to just the person that has the weapon that made the threat against
you,” Mr Mathews told reporters. “They very well could not have heard everybody
yelling around them.”
"The guy does movements," he told NewsOk. "He
don't speak, he don't hear, mainly it is h& movements. That's how he
communicates. I believe he was frustrated trying to tell them what was going
"I don't think they had to shoot him," he added.
His father confirmed to the police that his son was deaf.
The 2 officers have been put on administrative leave while
the killing of Mr Sanchez is being investigated as a
possible manslaughter or murder case.