10 Things You Must Not Do In Dubai

It is easy for unwary tourists to fall foul of the law in the United Arab Emirates, where harsh penalties are handed out for things that may not be against the law elsewhere, things like:

1. Cross-dressing

Some chaps enjoy dressing like a woman – & vice versa for ladies – which for open-minded individuals can be a fun & liberating experience; you should try it sometime. Just not in the UAE, never in the United Arab Emirates, where cross-dressing will probably land you in the slammer – & you really do not want to be dressed like a woman in a men’s prison in Dubai. 

2. Writing a cheque that bounces

Not having the funds to honor a cheque is a crime in the UAE that could see you do time. The law has softened in recent years after 20 foreign businessmen, who had been convicted of writing bounced cheques, went on hunger strike in 2013.

3. Sleeping with your partner

In a loving relationship but not yet tied the knot? Then you better keep your hands off each other if you are travelling to the United Arab Emirates, where sex outside of marriage is unlawful. According to the Foreign Office, it’s even against the law to live together or share the same hotel room with someone of the opposite $ex, unless you are wedded or closely related.

 Fine if they are married, potentially problematic if they are not

4. Being gay

Same-sex marriages are not recognized in the UAE & homosexual intercourse is prohibited, which, eventually, makes the country one of the least friendly nations in the world for gay men & women.  

5. Smoking electronic cigarettes

Only old school analogue fags allowed in the United Arab Emirates, where electronic cigarettes are likely to be confiscated at the border.

6. Staying in a hotel if you are under 18

Anyone who has designs on travelling after graduating from high school might want to give the United Arab Emirates a miss: it’s against the law to stay in a hotel if you are under 18, unless accompanied by an adult. Magaluf it is, then.

7. Being drunk

Public intoxication is a big no-no in the United Arab Emirates, though alcohol is available at licensed venues; non-Muslim residents can also get a liquor license that permits them to drink alcohol at home. The lawful age for drinking is 18 in Abu Dhabi & 21 in Dubai & the Northern Emirate (except Sharjah, where boozing is illegal). Even tipsy passengers transiting through the United Arab Emirates can be arrested.

8. Taking drugs

Few nations trust their citizens enough to choose for themselves whether or not to take drugs; as a result narcotics remain illegal in most countries. But, few countries have quite such strict laws as the UAE for people caught taking, trafficking or dealing drugs. Worst case scenario? The death penalty, which is about as bad as a worst case scenario gets.

 This is a really bad idea in the United Arab Emirates

9. Displaying affection in public

If you’re caught snogging in the park, then you may face a short stretch in the slammer in the UAE, which takes a dim view of public displays of affection. There’ve been quite a lot of arrests in recent years for kissing & petting in public, which is considered a violation of the country’s decency laws.

10. Importing pork or porn

If either – or both – of these happen to be your racket it is probably best you take your business elsewhere: importing pork & porn is prohibited in the UAE, according to the Foreign Office.

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